Erw Faen, Tregarth for CCG
A brief description of the project was reconstruction of 27 prefab houses.
It consisted of, new insulated cavity walls, blockwork, roof work, weatherboarding and rainwater goods, re rendering of chimney stacks. Stripping out of existing fixtures and fittings. 1st & 2nd fix joinery and installation of new kitchens and bathrooms. New flooring and decoration throughout internally. Weber insulated render system applied, concrete external paths and disabled ramps, car parkin bays were put in place with tarmacadam finish and making good of the surrounding areas.
External works also included new boundary walls, fences and refurbishment of out houses.
This project was carried out whilst residents were still residing in the surrounding properties, with their consideration taken as highest priority to minimise disruption.
The project was undertaken to a very high standard and delivered on time and within budget.